A: Raman spectrum from pure material (powder of Cytosine);
B: SERS spectrum (6,25 uM concentration);
C: SERS spectrum (62,5 uM concentration);
D: SERS spectrum (1mM concentration).
SERS spectra of Cytosine tested in 3 different concentrations and compared to pure material spectra.
SERS substrate used: Randa;
About the analyte: Cytosine is one of the 5 main nitrogenous bases used in storing and transporting genetic information within a cell. It is a pyrimidine derivative, with a heterocyclic aromatic ring and two substituents attached - an amine group at position 4 and a keto group at position 2.
Sampling method: immersion; SERS substrates we immeresed into water solutions of Adenine for ~12 hours and rinsed with deionized water afterwards.
Raman system: Renishaw InVia;
Laser: 785nm, 1mW power;
Lens: 5x magnification;
Integration time: 1 s (measured for 50 s and normalized to 1 s afterwards).